Designs and models
In the field of designs and models, the Firm is particularly active in the protection of the aspect of the industrial product, in particular in the fields of fashion, home furnishings and automotives.
It has significant experience in handling issues connected to the protection of an unregistered design and to cumulative protection as between copyright and designs.
Latest news
Licensing: a business tool for companies
On the 14th and 15th of November we were in Genova for the 9th edition of "Licensing: a business tool for companies", invited by LES Italia, the Chamber of Commerce of Genova and the Italian Institute of Technology. Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi Veli and Francesca La...
Fashion, law and territory
Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi Veli and Francesca La Rocca were invited, together with Valentina Witman, by AIGA ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA GIOVANI AVVOCATI to discuss fashion and rights, between challenges and opportunities.
Design Package
Yesterday, 10 October 2024, the EU Council finally approved the renewed acts (Directive and Regulation) that compose the so-called design package, which regulates the protection of industrial designs. This is the last step before it is published in the Official...
Practice areas
Distinctive Signs
In trademark matters, domain names and distinctive signs in general.
Protection of the most important domestic newspapers and publishers.
Handling problems relating to the ownership of patents and especially in matters involving employee inventions and fair compensation.
Designs and models
Protection of the aspect of the industrial product, in particular in the fields of fashion, home furnishings and automotives.
Appellations of origin and geographical indications
Protection of local products are amongst its prominent clients
Vast experience in handling disputes in matters relating to advertising before the Self-Regulatory Jury, Antitrust Authority, Regional Administrative Tribunals and Ordinary Courts.
Competition and antitrust law
Assistance in concluding agreements and covenants of non-competition as well as disputing the relative violations
Anti-counterfeiting strategy
Highly skilled in developing and implementing anti-counterfeiting enforcement strategies,