Studio Legale
Sena & Partners
The Firm operates in the field of Intellectual and Industrial Property, and especially in the sector of distinctive signs, (trade marks, domain names, company names etc.), patents, designs and models, copyright law, advertising, competition, antitrust law.
One of the most successful IP Law firms in the country, the Firm boasts a group of selected attorneys, all highly specialised in Intellectual and Industrial Property and in closely related sectors.
The ability of pinpointing original and creative solutions to solve problems is one of the most valued qualities of the firm.
About us
The Firm was founded in 1980 by avv. prof. Giuseppe Sena, Emeritus Professor of IP Law at the Università degli Studi of Milan and former owner of Studio Legale Sena dating back to 1960, and by avv. Paola Tarchini.
Over the years our professionals have acquired a vast experience of recognized skills in the sectors of trademarks, patents, unfair competition, designs and models, advertising and copyright in which the firm provides highly specialised and tailored councelling focused on the needs of the client’s.
This outfit consents that all matters are followed with the utmost attention and maximum diligence, so that the professional service is the result of a team activity which puts to use the ability and aptitudes of each individual with a fruitful complicity of skills, to provide high quality legal services. Moreover, the Firm works closely with the principal Italian and foreign consultancy Offices, providing assistance also during the filing and registration stages of national, European Union and international trademarks, designs and patents.
The Firm provides its legal services in Italian, English and French.
Practice areas
Design protection
About imitation and what makes iconic a shape for copyright: we discussed the very recent Birkenstock case with Il Sole 24 ore. Here is the article by Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi and Francesca La Rocca Sena:...
Selective distribution in the fashion world
On this Technofashion article, Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi and Francesca La Rocca Sena discuss the topic of ‘selective distribution’ in the sales of fashion products and the conditions of legitimacy and criteria that retailers in this sector must consider in order to...
Thoughts on the Unified Patent Court
We tried to retrace the history of the Unified Patent Court: is its creation really so innovative? Maria Carla De Cesari of Norme & Tributi for Il Sole 24 Ore took our rereading backwards, from the Paris Convention onwards, which opened up new scenarios. Here is...
Season’s greetings from Studio Legale Sena & Partners
We are approaching Christmas and the festive season: once again this year, all together we have chosen to support two associations: the Circolo Culturale Giovanile Porta Romana Onlus, which brings joy and important projects to many families with children with Down's...
News in the world of digital advertising
Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi and Francesca La Rocca Sena discuss with Spot and Web the significant innovations introduced by the IAP with the updating of its Digital Chart, which aim to ensure greater transparency and fairness in digital advertising practices and...