He graduated in 1952 at the Università degli Studi of Milan and in 1956 he qualified for university teaching in Industrial Law.
He has been a Member of the Milan Bar since 1954 and a Member of the Supreme Court Bar since 1965.
Emeritus Professor of Industrial Property Law at the Università degli Studi of Milan.
From 1956 he taught at the Università of Ferrara as Encharged Professor and from 1963 he was temporary Professor and after full Professor of Industrial Law and Commercial Law, always at the Università of Ferrara. From 1970 he was tenured professor of the faculty of Industrial Law at the Università degli Studi of Milan.
Author of various essays on commercial and industrial law (L’interpretazione del brevetto, Milano 1955; Il voto nell’assemblea delle società per azioni, Milano 1961; Il boicottaggio – un aspetto della disciplina della concorrenza, Milano 1970; I diritti sulle invenzioni e sui modelli industriali, Milano, 1976, 1984, 1990; I diritti sulle invenzioni e sui modelli di utilità, Milano 2011; Il nuovo diritto dei marchi – marchio nazionale e marchio comunitario, Milano, 1994, 1998, 2001, 2007), as well as numerous articles published in italian and foreign law reviews. He has been a member of many Ministry of Industry commissions involved in the most important reforms of industrial legislation, first on patents (1979) and subsequently on trade marks (1992) and industrial property in general (1996 and 2010). Editor of Rivista di Diritto Industriale. Former Editor and founder of the law review Italian Intellectual Property. Honorary President of the LIDC (International League of Competition Law) and President of the Italian group. President and founder of ISDIR (Institute of Intellectual Property Law Studies).
Member of AIPPI (International Association for IP Protection), INDICAM (Centromarca Institute for the Fight against Counterfeiting), LES (Licensing Executives Society). Chairman and speaker at national and international conferences.
Languages: Italian, English, French.
Avv. Prof. Giuseppe Sena
Avv. Giancarlo Del Corno
Iscritto all’Albo degli Avvocati di Milano dal 1991 ed all’Albo speciale della Cassazione dal 2004.
Avv. Francesca La Rocca Sena
Iscritta all’Albo degli Avvocati di Milano dal 2014.
Avv. Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi Veli
Iscritta all’Albo degli Avvocati di Bologna dal 1990 ed all’Albo speciale della Cassazione dal 2003.
Avv. Paola Tarchini
Avv. Claudio Maria Furlani
Iscritto all’Albo degli Avvocati di Milano dal 2008.