In matters of copyright the Firm operates for the protection of the most important domestic newspapers and publishers.
It has gained particular experience with regard to the protection of literary works, cinematographic and audiovisual works, works of figurative art and musical works as well as in computer programs and data bases.
It is in the forefront in handling issues relating to the protection of image rights and industrial design.
Latest news
Design protection
About imitation and what makes iconic a shape for copyright: we discussed the very recent Birkenstock case with Il Sole 24 ore. Here is the article by Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi and Francesca La Rocca Sena:...
AI and intellectual property protection in manufacturing
Manufacturing: how to protect one's creations without compromising growth? Manufacturing companies are among the main users of AI-based systems, but the increasing pervasiveness of these technologies is raising new complex challenges when it comes to intellectual...
First artwork made by AI sold at auction: AI and Copyright
Just a few days ago, news broke of the first work of art created by AI and sold at auction by Sotheby's for one million euros. It is a topic that calls for reflections on copyright and how the law protects the intellectual property of artistic creations, where the...
Practice areas
Distinctive Signs
In trademark matters, domain names and distinctive signs in general.
Protection of the most important domestic newspapers and publishers.
Handling problems relating to the ownership of patents and especially in matters involving employee inventions and fair compensation.
Designs and models
Protection of the aspect of the industrial product, in particular in the fields of fashion, home furnishings and automotives.
Appellations of origin and geographical indications
Protection of local products are amongst its prominent clients
Vast experience in handling disputes in matters relating to advertising before the Self-Regulatory Jury, Antitrust Authority, Regional Administrative Tribunals and Ordinary Courts.
Competition and antitrust law
Assistance in concluding agreements and covenants of non-competition as well as disputing the relative violations
Anti-counterfeiting strategy
Highly skilled in developing and implementing anti-counterfeiting enforcement strategies,