
Veuve Clicquot’s orange trademark

After years of litigation, the EU Court withdraws the orange trademark registration as a distinctive sign of Veuve Clicquot. Il Sole 24 Ore quotes us talking about the decision in favour of Lidl, which referred the case back to the Board of Appeal considering that...

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The name of a hotel? It’s a trademark

Our in-depth article for Requadro gives space to the recent judgement, full of interesting legal points, under real estate and industrial property law, which recognises and protects the paternity of the Hotel Bitannique trademark of the former owner on which he based...

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Law firms, gender representation is close to 50%

Confirming this trend is the testimony of Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi Veli, one of the top female professionals in the 2024 edition of  ItaliaOggi Pink Power survey, who has distinguished herself on the legal scene alongside important made in Italy brands in various...

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Upcycling: everyone' does but few know the legal implications of protecting recognisable brands. This is a growing and ubiquitous phenomenon for which it is important to create culture and information in order to ensure a truly virtuous process and avoid legal risks...

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AI and music: who can claim copyright?

The use of AI in the world of music can also have implications from a legal point of view, creating disputes over the assertion of copyright. Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi Veli talks about this in this article in Il Mohicano, recalling the Supreme Court's pronouncement in...

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Patents and innovation in Fashion

Fashion is one of the sectors that most embody Italian-made goods internationally, but also one of the areas where the phenomenon of counterfeiting is most evident. For this reason, as Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi Veli comments in Italia Oggi, the news of the choice of...

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Amendments to the Industrial Property Code

On August 23, 2023, the amendments to the Industrial Property Code arranged by Law No. 102 of July 24, 2023, published in the Official Gazette on August 8, 2023, came into force. From a substantive point of view, there are three topics of particular interest: The rule...

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Copyright and Artificial Intelligence

Works of art created by artificial intelligence cannot be covered by copyright according to a recent ruling in the US that denied computer scientist Stephen Thaler the registration of the work in the name of the AI algorithm that created it. It once again reopens the...

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Can a slogan be protected as a trademark?

18.07.2023 Can the slogan equally to a brand be protected as a trademark? A recent Supreme Court ruling confirms this, creating an important precedent for the world of advertising in all its forms. Commentary by Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi Veli and Francesca La Rocca...

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IP tender reopened, Italia Oggi reports

Between late July and August, Mimit's call for Patents+, Designs+ and Trademarks+, reopens for the three-year period 2021-2023: an interesting time window to submit applications for non-repayable grants for the valorization of industrial property titles; the Patents+...

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