Design protection

About imitation and what makes iconic a shape for copyright: we discussed the very recent Birkenstock case with Il Sole 24 ore. Here is the article by Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi and Francesca La Rocca Sena:...

Selective distribution in the fashion world

On this Technofashion article, Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi and Francesca La Rocca Sena discuss the topic of ‘selective distribution’ in the sales of fashion products and the conditions of legitimacy and criteria that retailers in this sector must consider in order to...

Thoughts on the Unified Patent Court

We tried to retrace the history of the Unified Patent Court: is its creation really so innovative? Maria Carla De Cesari of Norme & Tributi for Il Sole 24 Ore took our rereading backwards, from the Paris Convention onwards, which opened up new scenarios. Here is...

Season’s greetings from Studio Legale Sena & Partners

We are approaching Christmas and the festive season: once again this year, all together we have chosen to support two associations: the Circolo Culturale Giovanile Porta Romana Onlus, which brings joy and important projects to many families with children with...

News in the world of digital advertising

Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi and Francesca La Rocca Sena discuss with Spot and Web the significant innovations introduced by the IAP with the updating of its Digital Chart, which aim to ensure greater transparency and fairness in digital advertising practices and...

The AI challenges for modern businesses

2.12.24 The implementation of artificial intelligence is profoundly transforming the corporate world, carrying with it significant risks, especially in the legal sphere. Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi Veli in this article for highlights the danger of...